Course Description
How old is your downward-facing dog? What about the tree pose? Salutations to the sun? In this special online course, yoga scholar Dr. Seth Powell (Harvard University) offers an accessible overview of the latest scholarly research on the history of yogic postures (āsana) in premodern India—as understood through texts, sculptures, paintings, and more.
In recent years, the origins of yoga and āsana has become a heated topic of interest, with debates flaring over the purported antiquity and “authenticity” of the practice. Today the practice of yoga has become largely synonymous with sequenced postures and yogic stretching. But was this always the case? What traditionally was the role of āsana in premodern India?
This course will seek to offer clarity and insight to these historical discourses, by asking what do we actually know about yoga’s past, and how do we know it? By surveying the available historical evidence, we will see that while Indian yogis and ascetics have been disciplining their bodies in physical shapes for thousands of years, some of the familiar postures central to modern yoga practice appear to be of more recent invent. While other postural forms certainly date back to hundreds, if not thousands of years. The history of āsana reveals a fascinating story of change, adaptation, and innovation across traditions, cultures, space, and time.
Participants will walk away with a solid foundation in the history of āsana, a clearer understanding of the traditional role of the body and physical postures in premodern yoga traditions, insight into exciting new yoga scholarship, and a better understanding of how their own contemporary yoga practice fits into the much broader history of yoga.

Course Modules
Module 1 — Sthira Sukham Āsanam: Meditative Seats and Tapas in Ancient and Classical India
Module 2 — Complex Non-Seated Āsanas: Yogic Postures in Medieval India
Module 3 — The Proliferation of Postures: Āsanas in Early Modern India and Beyond
Students Will Receive:
- 3 Pre-recorded Video + Audio lectures (90 min)
- 3 Pre-recorded Q&A sessions (90 min)
- 4 ACP Credits
- 8 Hours of CE credit with YA
- Course Syllabus (PDF)
- Weekly Readings (PDF)
- 1 Final Multiple Choice Quizz
- Yogic Studies Certificate (PDF)
- Access to the private Community Forum
Dr. Seth Powell
Founder and Director, Yogic Studies
Seth Powell is a scholar of Indian religions, Sanskrit, and yoga traditions, who earned his PhD in South Asian Religions at Harvard University. His dissertation comprised a critical edition, translation, and detailed study of a 15th-century Sanskrit yoga text from south India known as the Śivayogapradīpikā—which uniquely combines yoga, ritual, and devotion. He also works extensively on the visual and material culture of yoga in premodern India, uncovering yoga's past through temple sculptures.
As an educator, Seth is passionate about sharing the latest academic research on yoga's vast history and philosophies and is gifted in his ability to present the ancient teachings of yoga clearly in an accessible, light-hearted, and inspiring manner—while maintaining a rigor and sensitivity to traditional Indian knowledge systems.
Seth founded Yogic Studies in 2018 and serves as the Director and Head Faculty. He is also the host of The Yogic Studies Podcast.
This course is eligible for 8 hours of Continued Education (CE) credits with Yoga Alliance

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