Our faculty is comprised of expert scholars and educators in the fields of Yoga Studies, Indology, Religious Studies, and South Asian Studies.

Dr. Aleix Ruiz-Falqués
Head of the Department of Pali and Languages at the Shan State Buddhist University, Khyentse Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Buddhist Studies, and Lecturer of Pali at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Aleix Ruiz-Falqués teaches graduate courses in Pali language and literature in Taunggyi, Myanmar. Aleix completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Eivind Kahrs. His research focuses on traditional grammar and scholasticism in Pali, particularly in Myanmar. More broadly, he is interested in ancient Indian literature (kāvya) and philosophy or knowledge systems (śāstra).
After completing his PhD in 2015, Aleix worked for two years on Pali manuscripts in Thailand, and he spent one year doing independent research in India. In 2018, he moved to the Shan State in Myanmar, where his long-term project is to teach and learn the Pali and Burmese languages and literature in a traditional monastic setting. One of his long-term goals is to reveal and demystify the treasures of the Pali medieval tradition that explain how we still possess the ancient words of the Buddha today.
Courses taught:
Selected Publications:
2022. “The Pali Version of Caṅgadāsa’s Sambandhopadeśa. A Preliminary Study of Yasa’s Kaccāyanasāra and Its Major Commentaries”, in Jñānapraśaṃsā. In Praise of Knowledge: Essays in Honour of E.G. Kahrs, edited by Alasair Gornall. Halle and der Saale: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg: 299–338.
2022. “Frozen Sandhi, Flowing Sound: Permanent Euphonic Ligatures and the Idea of Text in Classical Pali Grammars”, Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (4): pp. 689-704.
2021. “Two levels of optionality in the Kaccāyana Vyākaraṇa”, in Śabdānugamaḥ. Indian Linguistic Studies in honor of George Cardona. Volume 1: Vyākaraṇa and Śābdabodha, edited by Peter M. Scharf. Providence: The Sanskrit Library, 2021: 431–466.
2021. “The Sword and the Sheath. Three Notes on Kaccāyana 1: attho akkharasaññāto”, in Dhamma-Anusīlana, Investigating Papers on Buddhist Studies, edited by Bimalendra Kumar and Ujjwal Kumar. Delhi: Aditya Prakashan: 373–400.
2021. “Boundaries and Domains: Undersanding Optionality in Buddhappiya’s Rūpasiddhi”, in Journal of the Pali Text Society XXXIV.
2019. “Purifying the Pātimokkha: Buddhist Law and Pali Grammar in 17th-century Burma”, in Buddhism Law & Society, vol. 4.
2018. with A.M. Gornall, “Verses of a Dying Arahant: A New Translation and Revised Edition of the Telakaṭāhagāthā”, Journal of the Pali Text Society XXXIII.
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