LATIN 102 | The Writings of Ovid
January 7 - March 28, 2025
Course Description
This class is a continuation of LATIN-S 101 | Latin for Sanskritists, an intensive introduction to Latin aimed at students with prior knowledge of (grammatically greatly parallel) Sanskrit. LATIN 102 is aimed at Latin learners who were first introduced to the language in September; but it is also eminently suitable for anyone with rusty memories of Latin who would like to get back into reading Latin literature in the original.
Our focus will be on understanding grammar – on how the text says what it says; but given we will be reading the works of that most wonderful of Latin poets, Ovid, we will of course also discuss elements of style, subversiveness, wit and everything else that makes Ovid so special. Our aim, simply put, will be to read a lot – but so that we can actually do that, we will be making use of concise reference handouts and systematic and easy-to-use grammar and vocabulary notes on every passage we read. (All of these materials will be provided by the beginning of the course.)
The aim of LATIN 102 is to enable and encourage students to go on independently reading Latin texts of their own choosing. So, rather than focus on just one source, we will get a taste of Ovid’s various writings – a love poem or three (Amores), some advice for aspiring lovers (Ars Amatoria), a story from the famous Metamorphoses, and a few letters (by the women of ancient mythology, finally given a voice (Heroides), and by Ovid himself, having been exiled by the emperor Augustus (Tristia).
This course will be followed by LATIN 103, which will introduce us to Latin prose and Roman philosophy (selections from Seneca's Letters).

Course Structure
Two 90-minute live lessons will be held per week on Zoom.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11:30am Pacific Time
- All live sessions will take place via Zoom and will be recorded for later viewing.
Live sessions will address all student questions, go over exercises and readings together, as well as personalize the learning experience with your instructor.
Weekly written homework, quizzes to test yourself, as well as a mid-term and a final.
The grading will be such that anyone who puts a regular solid effort into the weekly homework will pass; those aiming for a B or an A will also need to perform accordingly on the two exams.
Students Will Receive:
- 24 Zoom live class sessions + recordings (90 min)
- Yogic Studies Certificate upon completion (PDF)
- Access to the private Community Forum
Dr. Antonia M. Ruppel
Lecturer in Sanskrit
Antonia Ruppel is a Classicist by training who came to Sanskrit through a series of fortunate accidents. She learnt the language as an autodidact, and one of her reasons for writing her textbook, The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit (2017), was to make the experience of studying Sanskrit easier and more pleasant for others. In 2021, she published the follow-up volume, An Introductory Sanskrit Reader: Improving Reading Fluency, designed to help students gain reading fluency in an enjoyable and straightforward way.
Language pedagogy is at the heart of her life. She has been teaching Sanskrit for almost 20 years at universities such as Cornell, Oxford and the LMU in Munich, Germany, as well as offering courses in variety of formats online.
Listen to our interview with Dr. Ruppel on the Yogic Studies Podcast.

Enrollment is currently closed.
Regular Tuition
One-Time Payment
Regular Tuition
$125 x 3
Three Monthly Payments