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Meet Your Hindi Instructor | Dr. Rajiv Ranjan hindi online language courses Apr 12, 2023

Every Language is a Dialect

Some might presume, upon learning that Dr. Rajiv Ranjan is from Northeast India, that Hindi is his first language. But underneath the veil of a supposed lingua franca, a rich diversity of local languages persist in modern-day India. Dr. Ranjan's mother tongue is...

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Meet Your Pali Instructor | Dr. Aleix Ruiz-Falqués elementary pali online language courses pali yogic studies Apr 06, 2023

The Path of the Pali-Wala

As an adolescent, Aleix Ruiz-Falqués was interested in filmmaking, the arts, and literature; things that he says, "seemed very far away in time." He had a fascination with asceticism and saints that led him to study Classics at the University of Barcelona, where...

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