Yogic Studies news, writings, interviews, media, and other vṛttis.
Prospective language learners tuned in from all over the globe on April 12th, 2022 for a virtual language open house and meet-and-greet with Dr. Antonia Ruppel (Sanskrit), Dr. Rajiv Ranjan (Hindi), and Dr. Aleix Ruiz-Falqués (Pali). Together, they explored the online...
Introducing the Kajabi Mobile App
Kajabi, which is the web-based software we use and love to power Yogic Studies, has just recently launched their new mobile app. This means that students can now access and stream all of their Yogic Studies content right on your favorite iOS or Android...
Approaching the Gītā
The Bhagavad Gītā, the "Song of the Lord"—or simply the Gītā, as it is affectionately known—is many things. At approximately 700 verses, spread across 18 chapters, it is first and foremost, an “epic” poem, situated within the sixth...
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