Introducing Buddhist Studies Online!
Apr 05, 2021
April 5, 2021 Yogic Studies Founder and Director, Seth Powell, has announced the launch of Buddhist Studies Online, a sister school to Yogic Studies focussed on the exploration of Buddhist history, philosophy, and practice through high-quality, accessible, affordable courses.
"BSO aims to bridge the gap between the meditation cushion and the academy. We offer online courses and trainings on the history, philosophy, and languages of Buddhism—seeking the balance between the highest standards in academic scholarship, yet readily accessible, affordable, and meaningful for the modern practitioner.
Like YS, our approach is academic and non-sectarian. We do not seek to replace instruction offered by experienced Buddhist teachers or lineage holders but believe that the academic and practice-based study of Buddhism are complementary. We welcome students of all backgrounds, whether experienced meditators, weekend yogis, aspiring scholars, or simply someone interested in learning more about Buddhism!
We are excited to bring to you a rich and expansive curriculum of online courses exploring all aspects of Buddhist history, philosophies, languages, culture, ritual, meditation, art, ethics, and so much more."
Buddhist Studies Online is founded by Seth Powell and directed by Dr. Kate Hartmann (PhD, Harvard University). Enrollment is now open for BS 101 | Intro to Buddhism: History, Theory, and Practice with Dr. Kate Hartmann!